Customer Reviews
Over 2,344 verified reviews from happy healthcare professionals who have certified with ACLS Medical Training.
Jiten - Texas
Holly - Bryan, Texas
I recently decided to return to nursing. I let me BLS certification expire a couple of years ago. This program is easy to follow and user-friendly. I completed my certification in two sittings. I read over the material while getting a pedicure and completed the exam when I got home!
Maridel - Riyadh
Very easy
No ecard was given after passing the exam!!!
The modules was really helpful, well explained. The only problem is that after the exam and I've passed, The ecard cannot be open. Pls look into this, and I suggest to have a simulation practice for students to practice.
Kimberly - Pennsylvania
Was beneficial to understanding neonatal resuscitation
Margaret - Arkansas
Good information easy too navigate helpful review
Carol - North Carolina
Great review and exam.
Philsy - Illinois
Gail - Nevada
Very smooth and well formatted